About Me
Bobbie Moore is a multi-disciplinary media and visual designer with the ability to transform an intangible idea into a tangible reality from creative concept to execution. She specializes in photography, videography, graphic design, and the textile arts. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Kansas State University, Ms. Moore served as a United States Air Force civil engineer.
In 2017, she obtained an Associates in Applied Science in Photography degree from Thomas Nelson Community College and will complete an Associates in Applied Science in Graphic and Media Design in 2018.
Ms. Moore is a freelance graphic designer, photographer, videographer, and quilter.
More About Me
I am a storyteller, so my artwork always begins with a story. I employ multi-media visual design, photography, videography, and textile arts to explore the narrative and to share what I see, feel, and experience. I’m inspired by natural beauty, lights and shadows, color, and possibilities. Yet, I’m also driven by irony, injustice, and issues that trouble me. I photograph whatever inspires me, but I tend to focus on portraits because they intimately tell the human story. Through my art, I work through my personal questions and conflicts. My art affords me a non-judgmental environment in which to explore my thoughts and fears.
Overall, my work incorporates the elements of line and shape, textures and colors. My scientific background taught me to look for patterns, so I lean towards repetition and rhythm in my art. My work is constantly evolving. As I grow as an artist and an individual, my work has become more expressionistic.
My strongest works address conceptual ideas, relationships, or socio-political issues. These works have the most compelling narratives because I feel strongly about the content. While creating something beautiful is important to me, I would rather create something that makes a statement.
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